Dwight Ingram

Oil and Gas Specialist - Worldwide Consultant - 32 years experience - Based in Denver, Colorado

303.726.5663 (Cell)
303.526.4555 (Colo)
904.321.2438 (Florida)


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Baxter Prospect


Owl Creek Prospect

Client List

Bluff Bench Prospect


Madden Prospect

Alma Mater

303.726.5663 (Cell)
303.526.4555 (Colorado)
904.321.2438 (Florida)




Consultations are available at $200.00 per hour. Dwight is available by phone in this manner:

Send your retainer and available times, I will arrange the conference call for you and/or your invited guests.

A retainer fee of $1000 is required to be paid in advance.

Dwight Ingram,
255 Park Circle, Suite 100
Golden, Colorado, 80401

Career Summary

Dwight has thirty two years of creative experience in oil and gas exploration and reservoir development. Diverse career assignments developed performance skills ranging from initial play investigations to coordinating acquisitions, integrating appropriate technologies, and executing multi-well drilling programs.

Managing Partner
Director of Exploration

OCT = Owl Creek Thrust LLC, Director of Gas Exploration activities in Wind River Basin Owl Creek sub-thrust trend. Negotiated alliances with Barrett Resources, Texaco, Sonat, and Burlington Resources resulting in strategic (3) 3-D surveys covering more than 250 square miles. Paradox Basin mound play executed with Basin Exploration, Phase I is 41 square mile 3-D survey completed May 2000, approx. 54 square mile, Phase II to began August 2000.

Vice President

Trinity Petroleum Exploration, Inc. Directed exploration evaluation of unconventional gas resources domestic onshore U.S. Synthesized Trinity operated joint-venture alliance with Amoco in strategic plays along (1) Douglas Creek Arch, Colorado & Utah, primary objective Mancos B reservoirs and (2) Distal Eagle sand play Blaine County, Mt. Additional studies identified gas play types in frontier U.S. Basins.


Western Methane Exploration, Inc. (WMX), Instituted coalbed Methane exploration activities as corporate strategy in San Juan Basin, New Mexico which led to drilling 100+ Fruitland Coal Seam Wells, NW Blanco Area, San Juan County, New Mexico.

Sr. Geologic Consultant

Maxim Drilling & Exploration, Inc. 410 17th St., Denver, CO 80202. Prospect generator for Powder River Basin to maintain Maxim rig utilization. Emphasis on Minnelusa, Muddy, & Dakota reservoirs.

Consulting Geologist & Independent Oil Producer

See Client List. Project geologist for both independent & major companies on contract per diem basis. Generate prospects and acquisitions for sale to industry.

Sr. Exploration Geologist

Consolidated Oil & Gas, Inc./Columbus Energy Corp., 1860 Lincoln Street, Suite 1100, Denver, CO 80295. Generated drilling prospects, identified plays, evaluated acquisitions, located partners for drilling programs in the major basins of the onshore U.S.. Directed multidisciplinary exploration teams. Managed geologic operations of drilling wells.

Reservoir Geologist

Core Laboratories Inc., Engineering and Consulting Department, 7600 Carpenter Freeway, Dallas,TX 75247. Geologic support for field evaluations, equity studies and bank reports for international and domestic clients.

Wellsite Geologist and Mudlogger

Core Laboratories Inc., Houston, Texas. Gulf Coast onshore/offshore operations. Responsibilities includes pressure detection for casing points, geologic evaluation of mud gas shows, drilling functions, and mud functions.


Dwight Ingram
Oil and Gas Specialist
Worldwide Consultant
32 years experience
Based in Denver, Colorado


303.726.5663 (cell)
303.526.4555 (Colorado)
904.321.2438 (Florida)
888.708.5150 (FAX)




Baxter Ranch - San Joaquin Basin, Kings County, California

Southern Paradox Basin - Bluff Bench - Aneth Area, San Juan County, Utah

Philp - Knapp Lease Madden Unit, Fremont County, Wyoming

Owl Creek Thrust Trend - Wind River Basin, Fremont County, Wyoming


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